Body was here, exhibition at Slakthusateljéerna, June 2021.
Installation view Body was here.
Mjuk hand (Slakthusgatan) #1 / Soft Hands (Slakthusgatan) #1
Plaster and steel, approximte size 60 x 40 cm (2021).
59°17’26.4”N 18°04’44.8”E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, approximate size 100 x 100 cm (2021).
59°17’27.0”N 18°04’44.1”E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, approximate size 25 x 30 cm each (2021).
Mjuk hand (Slakthusgatan) #2 / Soft Hands (Slakthusgatan) #2
Plaster and steel, approximte size 70 x 50 cm (2021).
Mjuk hand (Slakthusgatan) #2 / Soft Hands (Slakthusgatan) #2
Plaster and steel, approximte size 70 x 50 cm (2021).
59°17’25.0”N 18°04’48.7”E (Charkmästargatan) #1
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 100 x 100 cm (2021).
59°17’25.0”N 18°04’48.7”E (Charkmästargatan) #2
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 100 x 100 cm (2021).
Body was here
C-print, wood, glass and nails , 14 x 21 cm (2021).
59°17’27.9”N 18°04’43.9”E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 100 x 100 cm (2021).
59°17.437’N 18°4.750’E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 28 x 38 cm (2021).
59°17’26.6”N 18°04’44.5”E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 100 x 100 cm (2021).
Mjuk hand (Slakthusgatan) #3 / Soft Hands (Slakthusgatan) #3
Plaster and steel, approximte size 60 x 40 cm (2021).
59°17’26.6”N 18°04’44.5”E (Hallvägen)
Fired clay and angle screw hooks, 100 x 100 cm (2021).